
An experienced and multidisciplinary team that rapidly adapts to customers´ needs, contributing with the most economic and reliable solutions, makes SCM Sistemas the optimal choice when Safe Communication at sea is a Must. These are just some examples of the Additional Services offered by SCM:



The standard warranty is 18 months since the goods arrive to its final destination. A warranty extension is also available under request.



Under customer request, a kit containing the optimal number and type of elements can also be supplied along with each and every delivered equipment. SCM has a large experience in suppling on Board & Depot spares, which is a usual request in the case of military vessels.



Connection diagrams for installation as well as a complete users manual is always supplied with delivered goods. Under customer request, an ad hoc technical handbook can also be supplied; this could be the case of complex systems where connection and maintenance may arise some dificulties for the installer.



Under customer request, commisioning can be efficiently and rapidly done by our experienced technicians at any part of the world. This includes trials such as “Factory Acceptance Tests” “Habour Acceptance Tests”, “Setting At Work”, etc.



When a system contains a significant number of items, SCM provides a packing manual, which allows the addressee of the delivered system to clearly identify where is the exact location of each item into the pallet/s, and hence, easing the unpackaging process.



SCM is aware of the urgent needs for its customers in terms of commercial and/or technical requests. That is why a maximum 72 hours response is considered a must.

Also, in the case of delivery terms, the strong commitment on SCM´s production team, as well as our “state of the art” software program and internal procedures, allows SCM to be honoured of having the shortest delivery times for its systems to any part of the world.